Call for NUTA Journal (Volume XI) 2024

NUTA Journal ISSN (2616-017X) is a yearly publication journal of Nepal University Teacher’s Association (NUTA) Central committee, Kathmandu, Nepal. It is a multidisciplinary, double blind peer reviewed journal designed to serve as an outlet for an intellectual forum through their innovative articles. The submission of research articles to this journal assumes that the article has not been published and not submitted elsewhere for publication. NUTA Journal volume XI is going to publish, so all the interested teachers of the universities within the country are requested to send their articles for publication.

Guidelines for authors

 1) The journal publishes original research articles, both in English and Nepali. The article should be research oriented and relevant to the field of higher education in the concerned subject and ongoing recent issues.

2) The full length (with title, abstract & references) of the article should be between the range of 3000 to 6000 words (should not exceed 16 printing pages) and the article should follow the sixth edition of APA manual.

3) Title should be brief, clear, concise and informative with 120 characters. The author’s name and present affiliation should appear just below the title.

4) Abstract should have 250 – 400 words for a full-length article. It should be brief summary of the research including the objective, methods, results and major conclusions. Do not include literature citations in the abstract.

5) At least five key words should be provided at the bottom of the abstract in alphabetical order.

6) The articles should be typed double-spaced on one side of A4 size paper with 1.5′ margins in all sides, and 1.5 line space, in Times New Roman 12 point normal font and in case of Devanagari script, it should be in 1.5 line space, typed in 14 point (Preeti font) and electronic copies of the articles along with author’s bio-data.

 7) Foot notes are not permitted in the text and do not underline any text. Only bold and italics may be used.

8) Main text should be organized under the following headings:

 a) Introduction: It should have significance of the paper beginning with a paragraph of explanation that describes the existing knowledge and gap leading to the main research objectives and questions.

b) Material and Methods: This section should include study area and time, study unit, experimental design and data analysis. The methods should be written in the past tense.

 c) Results: Results should be stated concisely and clearly in descriptive, tabular and graphical forms etc. without interpretation. This section should address objectives/specific objectives systematically.

 d) Discussion: It should provide interpretation of the results, comparison of the results with previous research findings, impacts and suggestions for further research.

e) Conclusion: Conclusion should clearly point out the main findings, which must be justified by the analysis of data.

9) Conflict of Interest:  Any potential conflict of interest must be clearly stated.

10) Acknowledgments: Anyone (individual/ company/institution) who has substantially contributed to the study for important intellectual content or was involved in the drafting or revising the manuscript must also be acknowledged. Any financial support/funding should be acknowledged.

 11) References: All works cited should be arranged in alphabetical order of the author’s name and listed at the end of the paper. Both the references and the citations should be as per the sixth version of American Psychological Association (APA) style guidelines (http:/apastyle.apa. org).

12) Appendix: if needed, appears after the references.

13) Publication charges: The Journal of Nepal University Teachers’ Association does not levy any charges for submission, processing and publication.

14) Potential Reviewers: Authors should suggest three potential reviewers with their affiliation, mobile no. and Email address, with the understanding that they may or may not be asked to review the manuscript.  

 15) The peer Review Process: Following the submission of the manuscript to the journal the editorial board will check whether the submitted manuscript is appropriate for the Journal or not. The manuscript will go through a plagiarism check before starting the review process. If deemed suitable for the Journal, the chief editor will assign the article to reviewers corresponding to their expertise. The reviews are given two weeks period of reviewing the articles. Double – blind peer review is applied for the article submitted. Once the author submits the corrected paper addressing the reviewers comments, it will be sent to the corresponding reviewers again to decide whether the manuscript has the potential for acceptance.

 16) The journal encompasses all the field of science, Sanskrit, humanities, management, engineering, medicine, education, law, computer science etc.

17) The editorial board has the discretion to accept or reject the articles and edit the contents (if necessary).

18) Article contributor will be honored with two copies of journals if the reviewed article is published.

The deadline of article submission is 15th Bhadra 2080 (31st Aug 2024)

For Article Submission and other Information

Editor-in-Chief Prof. Dr. Ramesh Kumar Joshi

Tri-Chandra Multiple College, Ghantaghar, Kathmandu, Tribhuvan



Cell : 9851029626 Telephone : +977-01-4334190; +977-01-4245798

Call for NUTA Journal (Volume IX) 2022

NUTA Journal ISSN (2616-017X) is a yearly publication journal of Nepal University Teacher’s Association (NUTA) Central committee, Kathmandu, Nepal. It is a multidisciplinary, double blind peer reviewed journal designed to serve as an outlet for an intellectual forum through their innovative articles. The submission of research articles to this journal assumes that the article has not been published and not submitted elsewhere for publication. NUTA Journal volume IX is going to publish, so all the interested teachers of the universities within the country are requested to send their articles for publication.

Guidelines for authors

 1) The journal publishes original research articles, both in English and Nepali. The article should be research oriented and relevant to the field of higher education in the concerned subject and ongoing recent issues.

2) The full length (with title, abstract & references) of the article should be between the range of 3000 to 6000 words (should not exceed 16 printing pages) and the article should follow the sixth edition of APA manual.

3) Title should be brief, clear, concise and informative with 120 characters. The author’s name and present affiliation should appear just below the title.

4) Abstract should have 250 – 400 words for a full-length article. It should be brief summary of the research including the objective, methods, results and major conclusions. Do not include literature citations in the abstract.

5) At least five key words should be provided at the bottom of the abstract in alphabetical order.

6) The articles should be typed double-spaced on one side of A4 size paper with 1.5′ margins in all sides, and 1.5 line space, in Times New Roman 12 point normal font and in case of Devanagari script, it should be in 1.5 line space, typed in 14 point (Preeti font) and electronic copies of the articles along with author’s bio-data.

 7) Foot notes are not permitted in the text and do not underline any text. Only bold and italics may be used.

8) Main text should be organized under the following headings:

 a) Introduction: It should have significance of the paper beginning with a paragraph of explanation that describes the existing knowledge and gap leading to the main research objectives and questions.

b) Material and Methods: This section should include study area and time, study unit, experimental design and data analysis. The methods should be written in the past tense.

 c) Results: Results should be stated concisely and clearly in descriptive, tabular and graphical forms etc. without interpretation. This section should address objectives/specific objectives systematically.

 d) Discussion: It should provide interpretation of the results, comparison of the results with previous research findings, impacts and suggestions for further research.

e) Conclusion: Conclusion should clearly point out the main findings, which must be justified by the analysis of data.

9) Conflict of Interest:  Any potential conflict of interest must be clearly stated.

10) Acknowledgements: Anyone (individual/ company/institution) who has substantially contributed to the study for important intellectual content or was involved in the drafting or revising the manuscript must also be acknowledged. Any financial support/funding should be acknowledged.

 11) References: All works cited should be arranged in alphabetical order of the author’s name and listed at the end of the paper. Both the references and the citations should be as per the sixth version of American Psychological Association (APA) style guidelines (http:/apastyle.apa. org).

12) Appendix: if needed, appears after the references.

13) Publication charges: The Journal of Nepal University Teachers’ Association does not levy any charges for submission, processing and publication.

14) Potential Reviewers: Authors should suggest three potential reviewers with their affiliation, mobile no. and Email address, with the understanding that they may or may not be asked to review the manuscript.  

 15) The peer Review Process: Following the submission of the manuscript to the journal the editorial board will check whether the submitted manuscript is appropriate for the Journal or not. The manuscript will go through a plagiarism check before starting the review process. If deemed suitable for the Journal, the chief editor will assign the article to reviewers corresponding to their expertise. The reviews are given two weeks period of reviewing the articles. Double – blind peer review is applied for the article submitted. Once the author submits the corrected paper addressing the reviewers comments, it will be sent to the corresponding reviewers again to decide whether the manuscript has the potential for acceptance.

 16) The journal encompasses all the field of science, Sanskrit, humanities, management, engineering, medicine, education, law, computer science etc.

17) The editorial board has the discretion to accept or reject the articles and edit the contents (if necessary).

18) Article contributor will be honored with two copies of journals if the reviewed article is published.

The deadline of article submission is 14th Kartik 2079 (31st October 2022)

For Article Submission and other Information

Editor-in-Chief Prof. Dr. Ramesh Kumar Joshi

Tri-Chandra Multiple College, Ghantaghar, Kathmandu, Tribhuvan



Cell : 9851029626 Telephone : +977-01-4334190; +977-01-4245798

Call for NUTA Journal (Volume VIII) 2021

Guidelines and Instructions for authors:

NUTA Journal ISSN (2616-017X) is a yearly publication journal of Nepal University Teacher’s Association (NUTA) Central committee, Kathmandu, Nepal. It is a multidisciplinary, double blind peer reviewed journal designed to serve as an outlet for an intellectual forum through their innovative articles. The submission of research articles to this journal assumes that the article has not been published and not submitted elsewhere for publication. NUTA Journal volume VIII (2021) is going to publish, so all the interested teachers of the universities within the country are informed to send their articles for publication.

Guidelines for authors:

1) The journal publishes original research articles, in English, Nepali and Sanskrit. The article should be research oriented and relevant to the field of higher education in the concerned subject and ongoing recent issues.

2) The full length (with title, abstract & references) of the article should be between the range of 3000 to 6000 words (should not exceed 16 printing pages) and the article should follow the sixth edition of APA manual.

3) Title should be brief, clear, concise and informative with 120 characters. The author’s name and present affiliation should appear just below the title.

4) Abstract should have 250 – 400 words for a full-length article. It should be brief summary of the research including the objective, methods, results and major conclusions. Do not include literature citations in the abstract.

5) At least five key words should be provided at the bottom of the abstract in alphabetical order.

6) The articles should be typed double-spaced on one side of A4 size paper with 1.5′ margins in all sides in text files of Microsoft Word, Times New Roman, 12 point normal and in case of Devanagari script, it should be in 1.5 line space, typed in 14 point (Preeti font) and electronic copies of the articles along with author/coauthor’s bio-data.

7) Foot notes are not permitted in the text and do not underline any text. Only bold and italics may be used.

8) Main text should be organized under the following headings:

a) Introduction: It should have significance of the paper beginning with a paragraph of explanation that describes the existing knowledge and gap leading to the main research objective and questions.

b) Material and Methods: This section should include study area and time, study unit, experimental design and data analysis. The methods should be written in the past tense.

c) Results: Results should be stated concisely and clearly in descriptive, tabular and graphical forms etc. without interpretation. This section should address objectives/specific objectives systematically.

d) Discussion: It should provide interpretation of the results, comparison of the results with previous research findings, impacts and suggestions for further research.

e) Conclusion: Conclusion should clearly point out the main findings, which must be justified by the analysis of data.

9) Conflict of Interest: Any potential conflict of interest must be clearly stated.

10) Acknowledgements: Anyone (individual/ company/institution) who has substantially contributed to the study for important intellectual content or was involved in the drafting or revising the manuscript must also be acknowledged. Any financial support/funding should be acknowledged.

11) References: should be cited in the text by the name/s of the author/s and year of publication in chronological order. All works cited should be arranged in alphabetical order of the author’s name and listed at the end of the paper. Both the references and the citations should be as per the sixth version of American Psychological Association (APA) style guidelines (http:/apastyle.apa. org). Biographical references should be cited in the text by the author’s last name, and date of publication (Bhatia, 1991) and page number if quote is used (Bhatia, 1991, p.79). a) Entries in the references should be in alphabetical and chronological order as per 6th version of APA style guidelines. For eg.: Anderson, L. (2007). This is our music: Freejazz, the sixties and American culture. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

12) Appendix: if needed, appears after the references.

13) The panel of experts will review the manuscript after submitted articles. The reviewers will review the manuscript and forward with comments to editorial board. The editorial board will send the manuscripts with comments to the respective authors. The authors should follow the reviewing process and submit the revised manuscripts until they become publishable.

14) The journal encompasses all the field of science, Sanskrit, humanities, management, engineering, medicine, education, law, computer science etc.

15) The editorial board has the discretion to accept or reject the articles and edit the contents (if necessary).

16) Article contributor will be honored with two copies of journals if the reviewed article is published.

Authors are requested to send their articles within 14th Mangsir, 2078 (November 30th, 2021), the articles received after the deadline can be considered for next volume. For Article Submission and other Information Editor-in-Chief Dr. Ramesh Kumar Joshi Tri-Chandra Multiple College, Ghantaghar, Kathmandu, Tribhuvan University Email : Contact Email : Cell : 9851029626 Support Telephone : +977-01-4334190; +977-01-4245798